Water Clarity

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Reduce Phosphates and Nutrients in Your Pond to Improve Water Transparency Fast

If you have been battling water transparency issues in your pond and lake or koi pond, you may have too many phosphates or nutrients in your pond and not enough beneficial bacteria. No matter how small or large your pond is, The Pond Guy has what you need to restore and maintain clean, clear water all season.

During seasonal changes or heavy rains, you may experience an increase in phosphates caused by runoff of nearby gardens, lawns, or farms. This influx of phosphates can cause your water to turn cloudy, murky, or discolored. It can also lead to an increase in nutrients that feed different types of algae and aquatic weeds.

Reduce your phosphate levels in your pond or lake with our phosphate binding and water clarifying products like Airmax EcoBoost for ponds and lakes or The Pond Guy Clarity Defense for koi ponds and water gardens. Our line of beneficial bacteria products, like PondClear or Nature's Defense, can maintain water transparency by decreasing the nutrient loads in your pond and removing the food source for weeds and algae. For more clear solutions, shop our water garden filters and UV clarifiers!

Have more questions about what product is right for you? Contact us and talk to one of our pond experts today!