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Do pond weeds die in winter, or should I continue herbicidal treatments?
Ask Our Pond Experts
Ask Our Pond Experts

Do pond weeds die in winter, or should I continue herbicidal treatments?

Asked By: Ed of Norton, OH

A: Many aquatic plants—including weeds—seem to stop actively growing during the winter. Triggered by dropping temperatures and fewer hours of sunlight, the cold-weather slowdown sends perennial plants into dormancy. It can be tough to tell whether they are dead or simply inactive, awaiting the spring thaw.

Treating those weeds can be challenging since you'll see little or no greenery. Most chemical treatments, like herbicides and algaecides, don't work well in colder temperatures. The active ingredient in Algae Defense stops working when the water is below 60°F, and the beneficial bacteria in ClearPAC Plus go dormant when temps fall below 50°F.

What options do you have for winter weed control? It’s all about prevention.

  • Remove Dead Vegetation: First, don your muck boots and gloves, and manually pull weeds and dead foliage from the water with a weed rake or other weed removal tool. By removing growing plants and cutting down on decaying organics, there will be less fertilizer for weeds to feast on in spring.

  • Dye the Pond: Next, add some Pond Dye to the water. Available in convenient liquid quarts, gallons, and water-soluble packets, it will shade the water blue or black and reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches the bottom of your lake. Pond dye can also be used regardless of the temperature or time of year.

  • Aerate the Water: Finally, ensure your Airmax Aeration System is up and running unless you plan to use your lake for winter recreation. It'll keep your water circulated, which reduces muck buildup in which weeds can take root. It also keeps a hole open in the ice, allowing for gas exchange—your fish will thank you.

If you’re concerned about weeds as fall and winter approach, try these three tricks. By removing existing growth and reducing the decaying buildup that fertilizes new weeds, you’ll have less work to do during spring start-up.

Pond Weed Control and Prevention

Beyond winter weed control, there is much you can do to prevent pesky pond weeds and treat them when they arise. If you are struggling to maintain your lake due to algae and weeds, contact us for prompt advice customized to your situation. Just give us a call at 866-766-3435 today!

Read more aquatic weed management tips below:

Identify Your Weeds
How to Treat Pond Weeds
Removing Dead Vegetation
Aquatic Weed Control and Treatment
Use Only Approved Chemicals for Ponds

Last Updated: May 14, 2024