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Crayfish in Backyard Ponds

Crayfish in Backyard Ponds

Yes, those little freshwater crustaceans can indeed live in your pond - as long as you provide the living conditions they need to thrive. Here's what you need to know about growing a hardy crayfish population.

Home Sweet Home

Also known as crawdads and crawfish, North American crayfish belong to the family Cambaridae. More than 300 species live in rivers, brooks, ponds and even special "crayfish farms" across the country. Most types prefer fresh flowing water that doesn't freeze in the winter, but some thrive in swamps and ditches.

During the day, crayfish hunker down underneath rocks to hide from predators like fish, birds and alligators. But at night, they slowly cruise the river bottom in search of food. Their preferred meals are anything decaying, including dead insects, worms, algae and fish, but they'll also snap up small, live fish that are swimming by if they're feeling too lazy to forage. They'll also get their greens by gobbling through algae and aquatic plants.

These decapod crustaceans can grow up to 6 inches in length. They're related to lobsters, crabs and shrimps, and they're prized cuisine among foodies (etouffees anyone?) and larger fish, like bass and bluegill. Crayfish and dwarf crayfish are also kept as colorful pets in aquariums.

Welcome Residents

Crayfish can make a fun addition to your pond. They nibble on aquatic plants, so they help control weed growth. They eat decaying material, so they - along with Airmax MuckAway - will help keep pond muck to a minimum. They'll entertain your kids (and their friends) for hours as they turn over rocks and hunt for crayfish. And they make for some delicious eating for you and your resident fish!

These guys will dig to create burrows in the bottom of your pond - but don't worry. They won't likely cause any leaks. It's important, though, to control their population. Crayfish reproduction is tied to fluctuating water levels, so manage their population growth by stabilizing the water level in your pond, and use basket traps or lift nets baited with meat to remove large numbers.

Create a comfortable environment for crayfish by providing clean, aerated water and some rocks for burrowing. They'll find their own food - or become food if they venture too close to your Fish Attractor Spheres!

Last Updated: February 2, 2023